Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Brother & Sister Love! | Northern Minnesota Children

once again, I'm behind in posting.. but I quickly wanted to share these fabulous and BEAUTIFUL children I get the priveledge of photographing once a year.. Love them!!





Saturday, June 4, 2011

June Referral Special

If you are from the Walker, MN area, you may recognize some of these beautiful ladies below. Studio 64 has placed referral cards at a couple of businesses in Walker "LACE" and the BEEHIVE Hair Salon.

If you happen to have one of these hot little referral cards in your hand’s that you have been waiting to use, Studio 64 is doubling the print credit for sessions completed in June ONLY! Instead of a $30 print credit, it’s $60!!! This is for any session type... go out and find a referral card and call soon to schedule. Again it's only for Sessions COMPLETED in JUNE!..